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Watch as Erin Kennedy and Wes White from Patriot Wealth discuss retiring into a bear market. They address the issue of sequence risk, which refers to negative rates of return early on in retirement. Wes White suggests that retirees should have a plan to alleviate this risk, such as having core income needs covered by sources other than market-based investments. He also mentions using annuities to transfer some risk to an insurance company. Kennedy emphasizes the importance of having multiple income streams...

Watch as Erin Kennedy and Wes White from Patriot Wealth discuss the 60/40 portfolio model and its effectiveness in the current market. The 60/40 model refers to a balanced approach where 60% of the portfolio is invested in growth-oriented assets and 40% in fixed-income assets like bonds. Wes White explains that while he feels better about the 60/40 model now compared to a year ago, risks are still involved, particularly in rising interest rates. Bonds, which make up the portfolio’s 40% fixed...